Posts by Year


Integrating Jenkins, SonarQube, and Nexus

4 minute read

In this post I will describe a solution to add a portal page, a common header and a dynamic panel to each of the three tools Jenkins, SonarQube, and Nexus. ...

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Music Player Daemon on Raspberry Pi

1 minute read

This is not yet another “how to configure MPD on the Raspberry Pi” article, because there are a lot of excellent MPD HOWTOs already available:

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Use Java 7 on Buildhive

1 minute read

Changing source and target version to 1.7 is not sufficient to enable Java 7 on Buildhive at the moment. Adding the following profile to your Maven POM makes...

Raspberry Pi

2 minute read

My Raspberry Pi finally arrived after 4 months:

Wake On LAN

less than 1 minute read

Under Ubuntu I chose the following way to activate wake on LAN on the eth0 device:

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Deploying weld-osgi to repository

less than 1 minute read

For deploying weld-osgi to the repository the following modifications to the pom.xml files are necessary (after applying the wagon-ssh extension...

Maven 3: SSH deployment to foreign repository

less than 1 minute read

Using the maven-deploy-plugin to deploy artifacts to a repository that is not the original target repository of a project is getting complicated with Maven 3...

Building weld-osgi

1 minute read

In case you want to use Weld inside your OSGi application you first need to compile a few branches on your own:

Turning m3player into a daemon

less than 1 minute read

As most of the public HOWTOs seem to be either incomplete or a bit outdated and because I have no copy of the book Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environ...

less than 1 minute read

The OpenWRT music player, which I have blogged about recently, has found a  home at

Radio presets

less than 1 minute read

One important feature for the audio renderer is the support for presets.

UPnP audio renderer released

1 minute read

A very early version of my UPnP audio-renderer had been released on Gitorius (Update 2011-08-01: It has been renam...

Low-budget WiFi Music Player

1 minute read

After searching the net for quite a while I could not find a pure wireless music player for small money. In case you want to equip multiple rooms in your ho...

Compiling GUPnP on Ubuntu 11.04

1 minute read

Because the GUPnP stack is lacking some documentation I describe my experiences with getting it complied under Ubuntu 11.04.  The commands will setup an envi...

VirtualBox 4.0.2 on Ubuntu 11.04

1 minute read

After an update to Ubuntu 11.04 VirtualBox was not running anymore. Startup fails with a hint that the kernel modules exited in error and that I should use D...

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New version of smpppd-web

less than 1 minute read

The original versions of smppd-web by Christopher Hofmann neither support adding and removing links on the fly nor do they support dial-on-demand ISDN interf...

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Creating an ISDN Gateway with SuSE 9.3

2 minute read

In Germany flatrates are available for DSL only, so people, living in areas where DSL is not available, have to pay expensive time based fees for slowly conn...

More Reverse Engineering

5 minute read

I did more reverse engineering on the DataRecorder Windows tool that comes with the TFA Klima-Logger hygrometer in order to find out which serial lines are u...

Intercepting Win32 API system calls

1 minute read

For reverse-engineering the Windows software of the TFA Klima-Logger I tried to analyze the I2C protocol over the serial line by intercepting Win32 API syste...

Linux support for TFA Klima-Logger

4 minute read

Update 2012-03-01: I just ordered 2 outdoor sensors and the plan is to connect the Klima-Logger to a Raspberry Pi Board to make the data available via browse...

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