Deploying weld-osgi to repository

less than 1 minute read

For deploying weld-osgi to the repository the following modifications to the pom.xml files are necessary (after applying the wagon-ssh extensions to the your Maven installation, see previous post):

  1. Deploy the WELD API packages
git clone -b WELD-963 WELD-963
cd WELD-963
vi pom.xml

Add the following XMl fragment to the maven-deploy-plugin

mvn -e clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
mvn -e deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=jcoderz-snapshots::default::scp:// -Dmaven.test.skip=true
cd ..  


  1. Deploy the WELD OSGi packages
git clone -b weld-osgi weld-osgi
cd weld-osgi
vi pom.xml

Add the following XML into the tag section:

mvn -e clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true  
mvn -e deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=jcoderz-snapshots::default::scp:// -Dmaven.test.skip=true  
cd environments/osgi  

Deploy weld-osgi-parent pom.xml to the repository (Is there a way to include the parent pom.xml in the previous run?)

mvn -e -N deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=jcoderz-snapshots::default::scp:// -Dmaven.test.skip=true

With those deployments the repository is prepared to compile the m3server project…