m3player version 0.1.3 released

1 minute read

m3player version 0.1.3 has the following new features:

  • m3player can be run as a daemon with -d or --daemon
  • The name of the UPnP Media Renderer can be configured by -n or --name. This is done by copying the XML files from /usr/share/m3player to /var/lib/m3player and filtering place-holders in some of the files.
  • The version of the MediaRenderer device can be configured by -r or --root. The default is MediaRendererV2.xml
  • The UPnP server can be bound to a network interface, specified by -i or --interface. Example: eth0

The help output shows an overview of all the parameters available:

$ ./m3player -h  
  m3player [OPTION...]

Help Options:  
  -h, --help          Show help options  

Application Options:  
  -c, --config        Path to the config file   
                      (Default: /etc/m3player/m3player.ini)  
  -p, --pid           Path to the pid file   
                      (Default: /var/run/m3player.pid)  
  -s, --xmlsource     Path to the XML source folder   
                      (Default: /usr/share/m3player)  
  -t, --xmltarget     Path to the XML target folder   
                      (Default: /var/lib/m3player)  
  -n, --name          The name of the player instance   
                      (Default: HOSTNAME)  
  -r, --root          The name of the root device file   
                      (Default: MediaRendererV2.xml)  
  -l, --log           The name of the log file   
                      (Default: /var/log/m3player.log)  
  -i, --interface     The name of the interface the process  
                      is bound to (e.g. eth0)  
  -d, --daemonise     Fork the player as daemon