Using a password safe on multiple platforms

3 minute read

After the Playstation Network Hack I decided to change to secure passwords for all my accounts. The drawback is that nobody can remember secure passwords anymore, so there is no way around using a password safe.

The only application that is available on all the different platforms I use is KeePass (V1.x on Windows, KeePassX under Linux, and KeePassDroid on Android). Under Windows the the 1.x version must be used in order to stick to the same file format as the KeePassX and the KeePassDroid applications.

Using one database file on many different devices has proven to be a challenge as the file must be located where it can be accessed from all the different devices.

My first approach was to use a WebDAV folder which is available from hosters like or 1&1 in Germany.
The Linux support for WebDAV is good, dav2fs does what I was looking for and I found absolutely no issues while using it.
Unfortunately Windows 7 64Bit support for WebDAV is severly broken. Access to the online folder was working a few days but it stopped working, being unable to connect anymore (Error 0x80070043). All the hints and workarounds I found did not work for my business notebook. I also tried the different WebDAV client tools like NetDrive for example. None of them was working reliably in a corporate environment behind a proxy and I did not want to find workarounds for the issues of the WebDAV clients.
There is also no free WebDAV support available on Android, making the protocol unusable on my phone and tablet. The consequence would be either to copy the file manually or to extend KeePassDroid in order to access databases via HTTPS/WebDAV.

After a few weeks of pain when trying to log into an account with a secure password I decided to give DropBox a try. Clients are available for all the devices I have and adding an account is very easy and can be setup in under a minute.

DropBox has been configured to create a new folder and not to sync the whole user’s home folder:

  • Windows: C:\Users(USERNAME)\Dropbox
  • Linux: /home/(USERNAME)/Dropbox
  • Android: /mnt/sdcard/dropbox

On all platforms the extension “kdb” has been associated with the KeePass application, so opening the DropBox folder and double-clicking/pressing on the kdb file opens KeePass/KeePassX/KeePassDroid which asks for the database password.

So far DropBox seems to be the solution to my problem. I can access the database with only 2 passwords to remember, the one for the password safe file and the other one for the DropBox account.

However, one issue with concurrent access to the same KeePass file remains. The KeePass application writes a lock file to signal that the database is being used by an instance of the application. Different instances create and delete the lock file so that the file is completely useless in the scenario, described above. The message that a lock file has been found and whether the database should be opened read-only must either be ignored or followed. When followed new entries can be added on one device only.

When you add an entry to the database on one platform this change is propagated to the other devices because of the DropBox sync. Unfortunately running instancs of KeePass do not recognize that a file has changed in the DropBox folder. Only when you add an account there and you try to save the database file you get a message that the file in the file-system has changed.

The solution to this issue would be that KeePass reloads the file on a regular basis as long as no entries have been added. In case a user has added an entry KeePass could do a merge of the two database files by comparing entries one by one and adding new ones to the loaded database before persisting it again.

As long as this has not been implemented the only work-around is to do some configuration on the clients so that the application/database is likely to be closed each time you switch the device.
One setting is not minimize the application window into the system tray. That keeps the window open and reminds you, when you, for example, cleanup the desktop of your business notebook in evening, to close the application. The next morning you need to reopen the database and load all entries that have been added last evening on your other devices.

A small step into the merge direction would be to notify the user when the database in the file-system has changed. If such a notification pops-up the database can be closed and re-opened again.

I have created feature requests for each of the three projects: